A Beginner's Guide to Running

Posted by Andrew Brookfield on

Welcome, new runners! If you've decided to take up running as a means of getting in shape, dealing with stress, or simply exploring a new hobby, you're about to embark on a journey that can be as rewarding as it is challenging. This beginner's guide to running will not only help you hit the ground running (literally), but also shed light on one of the most critical aspects of any exercise regimen: hydration.

Getting Started: The Basics of Running

Choosing the Right Gear

The first step to running is making sure you have the right gear. Invest in a good pair of running shoes that fit properly and are designed for the kind of running you plan to do (trail, road, track, etc.). Running-specific clothes made from wicking materials can help keep you dry and comfortable. Don't forget to bring along your hydration belt as well to stay hydrated while on the move. Our no-bounce, no-chafe hydration belt will surely keep you on the move! Check it out here. 

Starting Slow

Begin your running journey by walking before you run. Starting with brisk walks or a run/walk combination gives your body time to adapt to the new exercise routine. Gradually increase the running portions and decrease the walking parts as you build stamina and strength.

Developing a Routine

Consistency is key. Set a schedule and stick to it. Three times a week is a good start for beginners. Over time, you can increase frequency and distance based on your comfort level and goals.

Listening to Your Body

As you begin, listen to your body. You should be able to hold a conversation while running. If you're gasping for breath, slow down. It's okay to take walking breaks when you need to.

The Importance of Hydration in Running

Now that we've covered the basic running guidelines, let's delve into the importance of hydration. Often, new runners overlook hydration, but it plays a crucial role in your performance, recovery, and overall health.

Hydration and Performance

When you're running, your body heats up, and sweating helps you cool down. However, sweating also means that you're losing fluids and electrolytes, which can lead to dehydration if you're not replenishing them. Dehydration can cause fatigue, dizziness, and confusion, all of which can significantly impact your running performance and even be dangerous.

How Much to Drink

A general rule of thumb is to drink 4-6 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes during your run. However, individual needs can vary based on factors like weather, intensity of the run, and personal sweat rate. You may need to experiment to find what works best for you.

What to Drink

Water is the most obvious choice, but during longer runs (generally 60 minutes or more), your body also needs to replace electrolytes. Sports drinks or electrolyte tablets can help with this. Again, personal preference plays a role, so experiment with different options and see what your stomach can handle during a run.

Pre-Run and Post-Run Hydration

Drink 16-20 ounces of water or sports drink at least 4 hours before your run and another 8-10 ounces 10-20 minutes before you start. After your run, replenish your fluids, drinking enough so you're urinating every 2-3 hours and your urine is a pale yellow color.

Hydration Gear

Whether you're gearing up for a quick jog around the block or preparing for a long-distance run, your hydration gear is as essential as your running shoes. Hydration belts or hydration backpacks are practical solutions that ensure your fluids are always within reach. They enable you to hydrate without breaking your stride, and often provide space for other essentials like energy gels, keys, or a mobile phone. So, before you hit the pavement or trail, remember to strap on your hydration belt or pack - it's not just an accessory, but a necessity for a safe, successful, and enjoyable running experience.

Embarking on a running journey is exciting, and the steps outlined in this beginner's guide will help you start on the right foot. Remember, every runner is unique, so make sure to always listen to your body.

Hydration is as vital to your running routine as your gear, training plan, and consistency. Implementing a solid hydration strategy will not only boost your performance but also keep you safe and healthy as you explore the wonderful world of running. Happy trails!

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